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Men of Firehouse 44: Colby and Bianca's Story Page 2

  “It looks like your ball of fur knows a good guy when she sees one.”

  “Yeah, well that leaves a lot to be seen.” Now that her precious Sunshine was okay, she wondered why the tension was still so tight. “I assume he is with you?”

  “You would assume right. Meet Brutus.” Hearing his name, the tan boxer raised his ears but didn’t bother to open his eyes. “I really am sorry for the way he made his entrance, but really you have to admit it wasn’t all his fault.”

  “That’s true, I guess it was yours. You still haven’t said what you were knocking on my door for.”

  “The noise. I was going to apologize for the noise. I’m moving in next door and one of the guys dropped a box.” Colby decided to ignore the accusation and motioned to the guys standing in the door of his apartment. “I promise we will be more careful to not disturb you.”

  Great not only am I getting a neighbor, but it has to be this obnoxious, over-bearing, in-considerate, drop-dead gorgeous, mouth watering smelling, asshole. Stop it Bianca, you’re not looking for a relationship. Who’s talking about a relationship?

  Shaking her head to stop the voices arguing, she stepped away from him taking a deep breath. She wrapped her arms around her waist only to feel the soft silk of her clothing and realized she was still wearing her pajamas. Her face heated as she realized which pajamas she was wearing. They couldn’t have just been her old flannel ones. No, these were the sexy, silk, green ones that her best friend had talked her into buying at their last trip to Victoria Secrets. Telling her how the color brought out the green of her eyes and the cut of the camisole made her breasts seem larger than they were and the short shorts showed off just enough leg to make a man wonder what else was there.

  With that thought, she crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t seem to think that there was anything wrong with her breasts, other than she always thought she would like for them to have been a size bigger.

  “I’m sure you will. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to get back to enjoying my morning.” Waving her hand towards her door, “I’m sure you and your dog can see yourselves out.”

  “Of course you would. Excuse us. Brutus!” The boxer bounded off the couch, innocently making his way to stand beside his owner.

  She stood in her doorway briefly, watching as he walked away. Her eyes widened as she saw the tight fit of his jeans on his ass. She definitely had an ass fetish. Her palms itched at the thought of touching them.

  “Are you and little red done now?” One of the men from his doorway teased. They had already given her the nickname. The guys had mercilessly teased him as soon as they found out where his apartment was located. Finding out she was going to be this close to him was going to be cause for a lot more teasing.

  Bianca looked up, noticing that the men had their attention on Colby, but she quickly closed her door before their attention turned to her. She could hear their laughter as they moved on down the hall.

  She shook her head as she flopped down on her couch next to Sunshine. Who of course, although looked innocent, was far from it.

  “Really? Sunshine you didn’t have to love up to the intruder the minute you were out of sight. And just so you know, he is a dog. He is the enemy. There is no future for you there.” Smiling, she watched as the cat stretched as if to say it didn’t really matter before curling back up.

  “Hmph. I see how you are. Traitor.” She sighed looking around her apartment. This week had been one of the longest every and she had badly mistreated her apartment. Fluffing the pillows, she tossed them back onto the couch.

  “Back to cleaning for me.” She stood grabbing a broom and dustpan from the linen closet and quickly cleaned up the broken glass before putting down fresh cat food and heading to the shower.


  “Well, at least if you have to have neighbors this close they come with a view. Did you see the ass on that one?” Drew smiled, wiggling his eyebrows at Colby.

  “Yeah. I saw it alright. Did you happen to catch the attitude on her? Jesus! That woman seriously has some issues.” Colby grabbed a box and carried it into the kitchen. He couldn’t help but to think about what she had been wearing. Drew was definitely right, she was hot enough alright. But that damn attitude of hers was going to make being neighbors a pain in his ass.

  “You could always give her a good stiff one. Maybe that’s what she needs.” Brett laughed.

  “Not happening anytime soon. I don’t go for the bitchy types. You guys know that.” Colby said, unpacking the glasses.

  “You could always shove something into that smart mouth of hers. That’ll shut her up.” Elliot teased.

  “Yeah and how did that work out with you the last time?” Colby turned around, smirking. “What was her name again? Jackie?” Colby gave him a toothy grin.

  “Hey! I told you not to be saying her name around me no more. That shit ain’t funny. That bitch was certifiable.”

  Colby and the rest of the men started laughing as Elliot’s face grimaced.

  Thankfully, it didn’t take them nearly as long to unload the truck as Colby thought it would take and surprisingly they had even stuck around to help put things away.

  “Thanks guys. I appreciate the help.” Colby said, shaking each of their hands as they walked out the door.

  Colby turned looking into his new apartment. It was a hell of a lot better than his last one had been.

  The entire apartment had mainly an open concept. The living room, kitchen and dining room were all open to each other. His floors where a dark grey slate tile throughout the entire apartment. The walls in every room except for the bedroom was an off white, which wasn’t exactly what he liked, but it would do.

  After moving around his furniture several times, he decided on shaping the black leather couch and love seat in a ‘L’ shape with the matching end tables on each end and in between the furniture. He had a small five by eight foot black and red square pattern area rug that he sat in front of them with the coffee table centered on it.

  On the end tables, he had black shaded lamps and then he admired the best part of it all. The massive sixty inch flat screen angled just right for sitting anywhere. Which was great considering the guys usually came over on Sunday’s to watch the games when they weren’t working the station.

  Moving into the kitchen, he still had a few more boxes to go and everything would be completely unpacked. His kitchen was his favorite part of the apartment. He loved to cook for himself but hated it when he had to do it at the station.

  The gourmet kitchen had been everything he had been looking for. It was the only reason he had decided on this place. He knew without a doubt he could have found a better apartment with a much better view if he would have had some patience, but his tiny apartment from before had finally pissed him off, and his patience wore thin.

  Flipping the power button on his stereo system, AC/DC blared as he finished it up. He was tired from the long day and was ready for a hot shower and his remote.

  Chapter Four


  It had been two weeks since her annoyingly hot neighbor moved in. She hadn’t spoken to him, but she did get a bouquet of flowers with a card apologizing for Brutus’ behavior. She couldn’t help but smile when she picked up the box of cat treats with an apology to Sunshine from Brutus.

  Grabbing her purse and satchel stuffed with new supplies for her classroom, she headed out to start her day. There were so many under-privileged children in her class that she frequently supplied the items normally brought in by the parents. The smiles on the children’s faces more than paid her back in return.

  She tried to not play favorites, but she couldn’t help but have a soft-spot for one little girl in particular. Tiffany was a four year old that broke her heart when she came to class with dirt on her face and her hair not combed. Bianca bought hair ties and barrettes to put in the little girls hair. But every day she returned to class without her barrettes or hair ties. The smile on her face w
hen Bianca finished with her hair and washed her face broke her heart. How could a mother not spend five minutes to brighten this precious child’s day, broke Bianca’s heart.

  Walking into her classroom, she filled with pride. She had come a long way since she graduated high school and left the little town she grew up in. Growing up poor with a piss poor excuse for a father, made it easy for her to leave without looking back.

  Looking around, she saw the tiny chairs pushed up against the tables and the cubby holes where the children hung their jackets and backpacks.

  After putting her supplies away, she went to stand at the front door to wait for the busses to arrive. She took a deep breath and smiled, knowing this was exactly where she belonged. As the bell rang, and the children came running, more excited than usual, she remembered about what had been planned for today.

  The fire department was supposed to send someone out today to go over fire safety with the children. She had a tickle in her stomach when she thought of the possibility of it being Colby. Although the words that had a tendency to come out of his mouth was not to her liking, his appearance sure did make up for it.

  She leaned against the wall and thought about her neighbor as she waited for her students to enter.

  Late in the evening times, she found herself listening to his heavy footsteps as he walked by her door. She had his routine down already. The same time early in the morning with the sun just barely shining, he took Brutus for a run.

  As soon as she would hear the door to the stairwell close, she would run to her window to watch as he stretched out before his run. She had never been much of a hot weather kind of fan, but watching him stretch in a pair of Nike running shorts and no shirt was quickly changing her opinion.

  She would feel her mouth water, watching him stretch his legs with his back towards her, which angled his ass in her direction. And his ass was that of solid muscle. She had no doubts. Asses like his didn’t come along everyday so it didn’t bother her at all to stare at it when she knew she wouldn’t be caught.

  And then when he would return, his tan, chiseled chest and abdomen would be covered in a layer of glittering sweat that made other areas of her water as well. The man was ripped and wasn’t afraid to show it.

  She remembered how it felt to have him under her when she had fallen from the tree. She imagined him throwing her over his shoulder in a fireman hold and carrying her down the hall to his apartment. Ravishing her as she ran her hands through his soft hair. Rubbing his morning stubble across her bare chest.

  But then on mornings when he was already at work, she would be disappointed. He was almost like her morning wake up call. The days when she got to enjoy the view seemed to be brighter than the days when she longed for it.

  Jumping as the sound of a bus horn brought her back to reality, she looked up and saw the driver gazing at her with a questioning look on his face. She opened the door and ushered her troops inside. Waving at the driver, she followed them hoping her face hadn’t revealed her thoughts to him.

  Settling a group of three and four year olds in was not an easy task. Thank God for

  teacher assistants. Joy was born to take care of children. She had never been blessed with children and considered these her own.

  The morning went by swiftly. She had just put the children down for rest period when looking out the window, she saw the fire truck pull up. The children were not required to sleep, but they did have to lay quietly for half an hour.

  Bianca knew if they saw the truck or the fireman, they would never be able to lay still. Pulling her shade down, she excused herself to Ms. Joy and left her class in very capable hands as she went outside to meet the fireman.

  She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she strode down the hall. As she reached the door to the entrance, she could see her reflection in the window. She looked like she was on fire herself. Her cheeks were red and her face glistened in anticipation and hope of seeing Colby. Watching out the window as the fireman stepped out of the truck and sauntered towards the school, she could feel moistness pooling between her legs. Her mind, having a life of its own, went to work.

  She watched with anticipation as he strolled towards her with a set purpose in mind. Her heart raced and her breath fogged up the window that was separating them. He looked at her and with a big bad wolf grin on his face and then he pulled the door open. Grabbing her by the waist, he threw her over his shoulder and with a low growl, he marched back to the truck. She felt his hands as they caressed the inside of her thighs. With each step he took, she became wetter and wetter. His fingers inching upwards, closer and closer to the place that ached for his touch. Her head bobbing just inches above his ass, she could feel her body responding even further. Her hands reached out, gripping the moving muscles as he continued with a low growl from her touch alone. All too soon, they reached the fire truck. He lowered her down slowly, meeting her eyes with another wolfy smile, he tossed her inside, following her in……

  The knock on the glass broke her out of her day dream. The sly grin on his face told her, he knew she was all hot and bothered.

  Damn I need to get control of myself. She cursed herself even as she felt the heat in her cheeks as she opened the door to step outside.

  “You’re early.” Avoiding his eyes, she moved around him. “The children are napping.”

  “Good, that gives us a minute.”

  Her eyes flew to his face. “A minute? For what?” Could he read her mind?

  OMG! Her mind spoke.

  Part of her wanted her dreams to come true while the other part, well…. it wanted them to come true also.

  “I have a problem.”

  So do I, but I bet your problem is nothing like my problem. Shit! Reel it in, Bianca!

  “What can I do for you?”

  I know what I would like to do.

  “I have to leave for a few days for a training drill.”

  “And?” Again, she had to turn her gaze from his eyes. His brilliantly blue eyes that all but scorched her panties to her wet junction of her thighs.

  “I hate to ask you, but you are close and you like animals. Soooo, I was wondering if you could watch Brutus for me for a couple days.” Giving her an endearing boyish grin he continued. “Really it’s not much. Take him out in morning, feed him and again at night. I promise he is very well behaved and won’t be any trouble. I’ll even give you a key to my apartment so he can stay at my place.”

  She eyed him for a minute. Why in the hell would he trust her with his dog? She sure and the hell wouldn’t trust him with Sunshine. Other than a few words of harsh voices, she really hadn’t even had a conversation with the man.

  “You trust me with him? How? What makes you think I won’t chop him into little pieces and feed him to Sunshine?”

  “Because animal serial killers don’t rescue cats from trees and then keep them when the cat knocks them out of the tree and flat on their ass.” He smiled. “Or in your case, knocking me on my ass and you on top of me.”

  She eyed him for a minute. “Don’t you have anyone else that could help out?”

  “Well, usually when I go out of town one of the guys take care of him for me. This time we are all going for mandatory training.”

  She sighed, taking a breath. “I guess that won’t be a problem.”

  “I promise to make it up to you. Anything you want.” She watched as his eyes began to twinkle. “And I do mean anything.” His voice was deeper as he finished.

  She quickly swallowed the lump in her throat before she said something that would embarrass her. “Well, for now, can you show me what you plan on showing the children in my class?”

  “Sure, let’s go over to the truck.” Walking over he told her about the stop, drop, and roll technique. As they walked to the back, he showed her where the equipment was kept. Pulling out the long hose, he connected it so he could let the kids play with the water. “Can you hand me that tool laying over there.”

  Stepping over
the hose, she felt her foot get caught on something. Almost in slow motion, she felt herself falling. Her eyes squinted shut in a reflex she couldn’t keep from happening. When the strong arms surrounded her, she felt herself, once again, land against him.

  Jesus! She thought, keeping her eyes closed. She wanted to open them, but then she couldn’t do it. She tried to force it, but again, they stayed clenched shut.

  “As much as I like this position, I really do like a little bit of warning before hand.”

  Her eyes slowly opened on their own accord, seeing the smirk on his lips. His rather full, luscious and totally kissable lips. And judging by the reaction of his own body, he was thinking something similar to that of her own thoughts.

  “Really? I think a bit of a surprise is always best.” Moving slowly back and forth as she sat looking down at him, feeling wetter by the minute.

  I can’t believe I am doing this. Stop it, Bianca! Again, her scolding of herself was enough to bring her out of her lustful state of mind. She had never been so bold in her entire life. She couldn’t believe what she had just done. Embarrassment hit her like a ton of bricks.

  Just as she was lifting herself off him, she found herself flat on her back looking up into the flames that danced in his eyes. She watched as his eyes came closer, gasping when she felt his lips on hers. Slowly, he moved his tongue over hers, outlining them, gently nudging her mouth to open. Her lips parted and that was all it took before his tender kiss became more aggressive as his tongue entered her mouth.

  His tongue played with hers, tasted of hers, and he tasted magnificent. As if he had just brushed his teeth, or used mouth wash, the mint on his tongue caused even her taste buds to raise in excitement.

  Her body took over, wrapping her arms and circling his neck and pulling him tighter. She could feel need coursing through her body. A longing and desperate desire for more was what her body needed. It had been so long since she had a man’s mouth on hers, and even in the past none of them had been as skilled as Colby.